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Private Style Personality Group
for you, plus between two and four friends.

Learn how to capture and articulate your own unique style personality in a small private group with the love and support of your closest friends.


This is for you if you've ever bought a fabulous item of clothing and it just sits in your wardrobe without you ever having worn it - but you can't figure out why!  (And the expensive price tag is still on it!!)


It's for you if you've ever wondered why something looks great on your friend, but you'd just look ridiculous wearing it.  (It's not you, it's the style of the clothes!)


It's also for you if you don't think you have any idea what your style might be and, in fact, suspect you might not have a style at all.  (You do - I promise!)


On this fun and info-packed workshop we'll cover:


You and Your Wardrobe
Let's look at your relationship with the clothes in your wardrobe.  What are you buying?  What do you love and what are you not wearing (even though you might love it)?


Who Are You?
We'll take a deep look at your unique values and personality traits.  Let's REALLY get to knw you.  How do you see yourself?  Is this the same as how others see you?  


Style Archetypes
Meet your style archetype(s) and find out why it's useful to get to know her.  (Hint: This will make shopping for clothes so much easier!)


The Language of Clothes
What are your clothes really saying about you behind your back?  Everything we wear reveals secrets about us.  Are you clothes communicating who you REALLY are?


Creating your own Signature Style Statement
Actually giving your own unique style personality a name will reveal so much about you and the clothes you love to wear.  This section is about feeling physically AND mentally comfortable in your clothes - and being able to create fabulous outfits for yourself with ease.


The smaller group size also keeps the 'vibe' personal, safe, supportive and, above all, fun.


Held at the Colour me Kate Frock Shop upstairs in the Little Nook Cafe at 2 Montrose Avenue, Darlington, WA.


Weekday: $219

Weekend or public holiday: $235

Prices include your printed workbook.


Book yourselves into my diary below
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© 2025 Colour me Kate


Kate Bird

Personal Colour Stylist
Colour me Kate
2 Montrose Avenue
Western Australia 6070


tel:  +61 0402 039 261

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