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Fingers up to  Menopause...

we're doing it OUR way!

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Welcome to

The monthly membership Club for women in the second half of their lives who refuse to suffer alone (and in silence).


Run by me, Kate Bird,
menopausal Personal Stylist at Colour me Kate

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This is for YOU if you're asking:
"What the hell
happened to me???"
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Menopausing in Style with Colour me Kate
You're not alone...

I regularly hear ladies who are over forty despairing that their bodies  are now a size or two larger than they have ever been in their life before. 


Often they'll tell me they weigh more now than they did when they were nine months pregnant (I'm putting my hand up here!).  And it mostly sits stubbornly between our boobs and our hips. 


Just this morning (as I write this), I had a lovely lady in my shop talking about her body and she said, "What the hell happened?!".  


The dressing habits and styles we had pre-forties no longer work for us.

  • You've found hitting the menopausal years (or beyond) has cast an evil spell on your body and you're just hiding in loose, linen clothes these days.

  • You're fed up with all the negativity around menopause and getting older and want some practical positivity in your life.

  • You'd like somewhere that gives you personal access to experts in a wide range of mid-life-related fields.

  • You find yourself wearing more black (greys, dark colours and neutrals) these days because you hope it will make you look slimmer.  Or, even better, invisible.

  • You're so worried other people will think you look like 'mutton dressed up as lamb' if you dare to make an effort.

  • You're p****d off that you appear to have become invisible.


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The better kind of 'monthly'.

This is a SECRET WOMEN'S CLUB club for those who've entered the second half of their lives and want to enjoy it.
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Covering issues from:

All aspects of Personal Styling to empty nesting / writing a Will / friendships / ageing parents / greying hair / mature education / starting a business / and so, so much more.

An Overview

This is my specialist subject so there's a heavy bias on how to dress your changing body shape, how to wear colour to help you look more youthful, healthier and more confident, as well as content on creating a personal style that feels so YOU!


You'll join the private Menopausing in Style Facebook Group where you'll receive as much support as you need from me and the other women in the group who are all in the same boat.


Even though going through menopause (and beyond) can have its discomfort and challenges, the underlying vibe in this club is to have fun.  Life is always better when we laugh - particularly when we're able to have a good laugh at ourselves.


There will be topics of discussion that might challenge the way you think.  The content in this club aims to open your eyes and your minds.  We're never too old to learn.


Everything discussed in this club comes from a place of compassion.  We'll all experience menopause in different ways and to varying degrees of difficulty.  Overall, we're all in this together and compassion (as well as fun) are at the top of my list of club culture.


I LOVE learning something new.  Something I've never come across before.  A new concept. A new way of looking at a familiar idea.  Having our thoughts and beliefs stretched keeps our minds young.


Similar to Fun, this club is not all serious and, well, grown up!  I don't know about you, but I hope to find entertainment in the most innocuous right to the end.


Did you know I host a podcast called Menopausing in Style?  On the podcast I interview (mainly) women who have been through an interesting mid-life experience, or I might be chatting with a specialist who works in a field of interest to women in mid-life.  Sometimes you'll get an opportunity for a Live Q&A with my guests.
Search: Menopausing in Style wherever you listen to podcasts. 
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Let's put our glasses on for this next bit!
What you get when you join:
  1. Immediate access to  my online course, Where's my Waist? (over 25 short personal styling videos designed to help women with a thickening mid-section to choose flattering clothes).
  2. Regular monthly personal styling tutorials to help you live the second half of your life in style!
  3. An invitation to join the Menopausing in Style private Facebook page where you'll receive ongoing support from me and the rest of the beautiful community.  
  4. Monthly group Zoom calls with me for your live Q&A's and discussions.
  5. Access to expert guest speakers whose specialist area benefits women in the second half of their lives.

What's it like working with me?

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$47 (AUD) per month
$27 (AUD) per month

Early-Bird offer ends (xxxx) on (xxx)

Colour me Kate Frock Shop skirts online
FREE when you join:
Where's my Waist?
my amazing online styling course
  • Watch more than 25 short and easy-to-follow videos showing exactly what design elements to look for within four different clothing categories: tops, skirts, trousers and dresses.  

  • Be able to walk into a shop and go straight to a top / pair of trousers / skirt / dress and immediately see, just by looking at it, if it's going to give you a waistline.

  • Go through all the clothes in your wardrobe that have been unworn and neglected for so long - and move them on.

  • Feel comfortable and confident in the clothes you wear and not feel any self-body-shame.

  • Feel that you've got your body back and ready to embrace the second half of your fabulous life!

Let's not grieve for what we've lost;
let's celebrate what we have - and dress it cleverly!
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$47 (AUD) per month
$27 (AUD) per month

Early-Bird offer ends (xxxx) on (xxx)

What's it like working with me?

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Oh, I forgot to introduce myself!

I'm Kate Bird and I'm a menopausal, personal stylist in my mid-fifties with a body shape that doesn't resemble the body I've been familiar with dressing for most of the rest of my life!


In my business, Colour me Kate, I've worked with many hundreds of women in a dozen years to help them dress in a way that makes them feel more amazing and self-confident.


Now I seem to be working more with women in mid-age and beyond who are experiencing a whole new level of dressing issues and are sick of feeling frumpy and bland.  


In addition to my body changing over recent years, I've noticed that my mind has changed as well.  It's become more interested, more compassionate and more, well, open.


Menopausing in Style is exactly the sort of club I looked for when I entered peri-menopause a few years ago.  I couldn't find anything that 'spoke' to me - so I decided to create it myself and gather like-minded women around me. 


I'm an 'Anglo-Australian' running my business from my consignment clothing boutique and styling studio in the Perth Hills of Western Australia.

Come and join me in the Club and let's Menopause in Style together!


With best wishes,

Where's my Waist
$47 (AUD) per month
$27 (AUD) per month

Early-Bird offer ends (xxxx) on (xxx)

  • How long will it take me to get through this course?
    Hmm, that very much depends on how much concentrated time you give it! You could work through it over a few hours in one binge-sitting, or you could spread it out and read all the information and listen to all the videos over the course of a couple of weeks. How long it will take is really up to you.
  • How long do I get access?
    Once you've downloaded the course, you'll have it for as long as it's saved on your computer!
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Copyright: Colour me Kate 2024
Menopausing in Style is a subsidiary product belonging to Colour me Kate


Kate Bird

Personal Colour & Stylist

2 Montrose Avenue

Darlington, Western Australia.



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