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The Lazy Woman's Guide to...
Digital Shopping Cards to save to your phone that make shopping for clothes to flatter your 'problem' body parts - simple!

Each one of these Digital Shopping Cards has an easy-to-consume, bite-sized nugget of advice to help you dress your 'problem' body area.
Every card also incudes an image example, as well as a useful 'how to' tip for you to put into practice.
These Digital Shopping Cards are designed for easy-use tool on your phone when you're in the shops.

This is how they'll look on your phone...
The Lazy Woman's Guide to Dressing
The Lazy Woman's Guide to Dressing
The Lazy Woman's Guide to Dressing
Coming soon in the series...

Who am I to create this series?

Hi, I'm Kate and when I was growing up, I was always known a the lazy one in my family.
I'm still pretty lazy and like nothing more than to be left alone on my big, comfy sofa with an engrossing book on the go.
As an intrinsically lazy person, I generally look for the quickest and simplest way to achieve something.
In fact, one could argue, I'm not lazy at all; I'm time and effort efficient!
Despite my laziness I've run my personal colour and styling business (Colour me Kate) for over 12 years now and have helped more than a thousand women to feel good in the way they dress themselves.
So this is why I decided to create 'The Lazy Woman's Guide To' series: to help you figure out the best way to dress for your body shape and personality in the simplest and quickest way possible.
I hope you get lots out of this series!
With best wishes,
How long will it take me to get through this course?Hmm, that very much depends on how much concentrated time you give it! You could work through it over a few hours in one binge-sitting, or you could spread it out and read all the information and listen to all the videos over the course of a couple of weeks. How long it will take is really up to you.
How long do I get access?Once you've downloaded the course, you'll have it for as long as it's saved on your computer!
Available now...
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